The Poetry of Suzy Lyall Here you will find links to some of Suzy Lyall’s poetry. All works here are originally written by Suzy, and hence she holds the © Copyrights on all pieces. Rich Condon has been solely entrusted to maintain these works, and is such is enforcing the following rules with regards to
this page and these works, unless a specific written and signed agreement is made.
1. You may not copy or in any way reproduce this page or the poetry that it links to. 2. You may not link directly to this page or any of the works that it links to. You may, however, link
to the main page.
Apologizes are given for having to impose these rules. At the time of Suzy’s disappearance, one of the local TV news stations got a hold of some of these poems, read certain phrases completely out
of context on the air, and then started claiming that she was suicidal, etc., simply based on their “superior investigating skills”. We do not want a repeat of that.